Hello fellow customers,

You may have noticed that most patches have 'Coming Soon' marked on them. This is due to college starting back up, therefore I won't be able to work on patches. I need to focus on getting back into the groove of school for a few weeks. This is just temporary, patches will be sold in 4-6 weeks. Check back in a few weeks to see if they are available for sale again. I apologize for this issue. I hope you understand!

Best Regards,



October 19, 2013

Hello customers,

The shop is up and running again! I apologize for it being closed for 2 months, I was just really busy and I had no time to work on patches. Since I will only have a certain amount made for each patch, the patches might sell out quickly. Once they sell out, they are not gonna be available until I make new ones. I decided to do this because I do not want a lot of orders to come in and cause me to fall behind on taking care of previous orders. With that being said, purchase your patches as soon as possible before they are sold out. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will be glad to assist you. I hope you are all doing well!

